Evans Head Amateur SportFishing Club Inc.

The club holds it's meetings on the first Tuesday Night of the month, start time is 7.30pm and the venue is the Evans Head Bowling Club Auditorium. A club newsletter is usually sent to a Members home address so to arrive several days prior to the meeting.

Each month the club holds a Fishing outing, this outing is held on the weekend following the Monthly Meeting, start time is 3.30pm Friday through to finish time 4.30pm Sunday, any allowable species caught between these times may be weighed in and registered at our club weigh in station, the club weighmaster is Neil Scrimshaw and the weigh in station is situated at his shop, Evans Head Sports & Marine, Ph/Fax 066 824536. Ask Neil for any further information you require. The winner of the monthly fishing outing receives a Certificate and a choice of fishing tackle.

The club has a very competitive Catch & Release category and each species caught can be counted in the club release category and for the ANSA Catch & Release Masters Claims.

Membership fees: (as at 14th May 1996)

Senior Male or Female 16 years and over $20.00
Junior Male or female from 9th to 16th birthday $5.00
SubJunior Male or Female to 9th birthday $5.00
Student 16 years and over who is a full time student $10.00
Family Parents or single parent and any amount of Juniors and SubJuniors $30.00

The club is family orientated and very competitive, we have a division to suit all family members regardless of age, even one for those members who don't weigh in a legal species during the year, so far each year our presentation nights have been a big hit.

Hayden Grissell
SubJunior Angler 1995/6
Receiving his trophy from
club president John Ritchie
Narelle Scrimshaw
Drawing the Big One
Presentation night 1995/6

The club is heavily involved with the Seafarer/Evans Head Fishing Classic which is held in June, this gives the club a high profile within the town.

Contact details:

P.O Box 126
Evans Head N.S.W 2473
Phone: 02 66825143
Fax: 02 66825019
Mobile: 0419 663 216

President: Steve Ruttley
Treasurer: Dianne Maher
Peter (Pedro) Maher
Mobile: 0414 526 475

 This page designed and hosted free of charge by the Australian Fishing Shop

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